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How to use third-party packages in Nixos

If you are using nixos you can get a problem, while there is no package you need in package store

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Docker install package with checksum check

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Windows Update Factory Reset


Run CMD with admin privileges and run the following commands:

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Terraform repo storing tfstate in AWS S3 bucket

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Mastodon, fediverse, activitypub

Twitter Тред с этим постом

🐘 Хочу сегодня поговорить о таких штуках, как

  • Mastodon
  • Fediverse
  • ActivityPub
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Trans People and Bathrooms

Russian version here

This is an automated translation

Nowadays, the topic of which toilets transgender individuals should use is highly debated.

I often hear the opinion that people should use restrooms based on their assigned gender at birth or the form of their genitalia to prevent “men who will use bathrooms to assault women”. Let’s discuss why this is a flawed idea, and I’ll provide some examples.

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О транслюдях и туалетах

English version here

Сейчас очень актуальна тема того, в какие именно туалеты должны ходить трансгендерные люди.

Я слишком часто слышу мнение о том, что в туалет нужно ходить в соответствии с гендером, который был указан при рождении, либо с учетом формы гениталий, чтобы предотвратить “мужчин, которые будут ходить в туалеты насиловать женщин”. Давайте обсудим, почему это плохая идея, и я приведу примеры.

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How to restore MacOS Backup from SMB share


I have an MacBook Pro mid 2015. The latest MacOS available on this laptop is High Sierra. Let’s pretend, my disk drive is failed and i bough a new SSD drive and installed it in my laptop (actually i accidentely delete all partitions on drive, but that does not matter). The easiest way, i can recover that laptop to working state must be hold alt/option button during the system turning on, boot to recovery downloaded from Apple servers, and choose “Reinstall OS” option.

Recovery mode was booted correctly, but installation is failed because servers are not reachable. I have no other Macs, so i download MacOS DMG image and created a local boot device. But the installation was failed because “your image is corrupted”. I suppose it is a problem with outdated certificate because the High Sierra is now outdated OS.

The only way to recover this laptop was to create a TimeMachine backup of working High Sierra OS, and after that.

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How to offline install MacOS from DMG file

This method works with both installed MacOS and blank SSD drive when the recovery is loaded. I suppose that you are already have a DMG file with OS, you plan to install

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Как админить с телефона на Andorid

nerd fonts installer …
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